CFSC YCWH Memorial Kindergarten
September 28, 2021 | In Hong Kong
Full sponsorship of the early developmental and planning costs of a new kindergarten under the auspices of Christian Family Services Centre (CFSC), Kwun Tong, resulted in the YCWH being accorded full naming rights in perpetuity in December 2019. The kindergarten is now called CFSC Yeoh Choy Wai Haan Memorial Kindergarten. Additionally, YCWH had underwritten the costs of all textbooks to help underprivileged families in 2020 and 2021. To promote good character education in very young children, we also support their innovative “Good Character Programme” which aims to instill six valuable character traits namely; Responsibility, Positive Attitude, Respect, Forgiveness, Caring and Co-operation through lively story-telling and role-play.
本會於 2019 年 12 月全額贊助一所由觀塘基督教家庭服務中心 (CFSC)主辦的新幼稚園的早期發展和規劃費用,獲得永久的完全命名權。 該幼稚園現命名為CFSC楊蔡慧嫻紀念幼稚園。此外,本會在 2020 年和 2021 年承擔了所有學童之書簿費,以減輕基層家庭的經濟負擔。為了促進幼童的良好品格教育,本會亦支持其創新的“ 好德小孩計劃 ”,通過生動的故事講述和角色扮演來灌輸六種寶貴的品格特徵:, 責任、積極的態度、尊重、寬恕、關懷和合作。