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YCWH seeks to provide Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) treatment, a widely recognised effective treatment, to children with autism from lower income families during their wait for government subsidised services. Through Autism Partnership Foundation (APF)’s Parents Resources Centre at Lai Chi Kok, a month of 1-on-1 intensive ABA treatments (over 50 hours) is offered to qualified children. Professional therapists will provide specific trainings according to individual needs.

Phrase 2 for another 5 beneficiary families is in progress.

有見本港低收入家庭的自閉症兒童輪候政府資助服務時間愈來愈長以致錯失最佳治療時機,本會透過愛培自閉症基金(APF)家長資源中心提供一個月的1對1密集式「應用行為分析」治療 (ABA)予合資格兒童。專業的行為分析治療師會按個別需要而定製課程,當中包括增加孩子的自發語言能力,合作能力和專注力,減少行為問題,​​提升認知能力及社交能力。現正進行計劃的第二階段。


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YCWH NO. 2 TRUST is a charitable trust registered under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


YCWH Trust

GPO Box 12578

Hong Kong

© photo right by YCWH Trust.

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