陝西省沙河子鎮中小學獎學金計劃 In order to compliment and strengthen our Community approach we initiated student awards to encourage excellence and to help defray expenses for the rural underprivileged.本會為表善意,強化社區關懷,主動於2015年9月提供優秀學生獎勵計劃,為農村弱勢社群子弟支付其學雜費。
In order to compliment and strengthen our Community approach we initiated student awards to encourage excellence and to help defray expenses for the rural underprivileged.本會為表善意,強化社區關懷,主動於2015年9月提供優秀學生獎勵計劃,為農村弱勢社群子弟支付其學雜費。