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Salvation Army After School Tutorials and Support Program

The issue of children unable to complete homework was raised by a number of NGO’s. Many families with working parents in HKG do not finish work until quite late in the evening. In many cases the children will not focus on or are unable to complete their homework. With our sponsorship, the Salvation Army established a program with retired or part time teachers to run a service for children starting after school until a parent or guardian can pick them up. By that time the homework has been completed. The schools report that children who attend our program show improved results in class.

本港很多非牟利機構關注學童課後未能完成功課,其原因是父母外出工作而夜歸,致未能集中精神完成功課。 在本會贊助下,救世軍大窩口中心提供一計劃以退休或兼職教師推出一個課後學習及成長計劃,讓學童完成功課,家長才接之回家。據後來學校報告,曾參予本計劃之學童,成績有顯著之進步。


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