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主要慈善贊助人 - 



委託人及名譽主席 - 蔡德強先生


主席 - 池元基醫生

為本港知名牙科醫生,擔任基金會主席之一,與蔡德強先生,共同管理基金會;並為其發展,提出新思維 ─ 以社區民生福利為本,聯合地區各持份者(非牟利機構),共同為有需要人士,提供各項慈善服務。多年來如在湖南、陝西、粵北農村社區,助學扶貧,成績裴然。

執行主席 - 霍美玲博士

霍美玲博士是英國執業律師,並在新加坡和新加坡執業。退休前熱衷於香港慈善及諮詢工作。加入YCWH信託2019 年擔任顧問,現任執行主席兼信託保護人。

信託 - 滙豐機構信託服務有限公司

滙豐信託成立於 1946 年,今年是我們立足亞洲七十五周年誌慶。我們時刻以客戶的福祉為依歸,與客戶及其家人並肩同行,以助他們實現薪火相傳為己任,為家族子孫後代創造更美好的未來。


The information provided by the YCWH Trust on this Website is for general information only.  While every effort has been made to ensure that the information on this Website is accurate, the Trust expressly disclaims liability for errors or omissions in such information and materials.

Users who link from the YCWH Trust Website to sites provided by other organizations should be aware that the information on those sites has been compiled and issued by those organizations.  The Trust accepts no responsibility for the content of any site to which a hypertext link from this site exists and shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to its use.


YCWH NO. 2 TRUST is a charitable trust registered under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


YCWH Trust

GPO Box 12578

Hong Kong

© photo right by YCWH Trust.

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