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We have long believed in “making a difference through education”. In order to support the underprivileged children in Hong Kong, our sponsorship projects have evolved a lot from our establishment in 2001. The transformation and development of our services over the years are as follows:

In our early days, the Trust focused on providing basic facilities for schools in the underdeveloped villages in Mainland China. In Hunan (2001), Shaanxi (2007) and northern regions in Guangdong (2012) we built 7 new academic buildings in total. Scholarships and financial assistance were also offered to the underprivileged to study in elementary or secondary schools.  In addition, we also supported study tours and scholarly exchanges between Hong Kong and China. Through these academically enriching projects, we hope to improve the quality of both teaching and learning in education.

Over the recent years the learning environment in China has substantially improved, so the Trust has turned its focus to more local needs. We have identified assistance to children with special educational needs, especially from underprivileged families as an area that requires attention.   Towards this end, we recognised a few major directions to contribute to the Hong Kong society by making independent donations, as well as working hand-in-glove with major local funders and reputable NGOs:

Deliver high impact services to underprivileged students, especially those with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and/or on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).


  • Sponsored the overall planning, development and complete renovation of YCWH Memorial Kindergarten in an underserved and underprivileged neighbourhood including underwriting the annual costs of all the students’ textbooks to help young families in that neighbourhood.


  • Gave access to numerous underprivileged children of Hope Through Music, to play orchestral instruments and availed a few autistic youth with outstanding musical talents higher training opportunities.


  • Helped a selected cohort of autistic K3 pre-schoolers make a seamless transition into P1 mainstream schools with hands-on and on-site school-based and centre based approach as a significant pilot programme managed by Heep Hong Society and monitored by The University of Hong Kong.


  • Furnished Aoi Pui School, Hong Kong’s first private elementary special needs school with a large dedicated room of state-of-the-art, immersive and interactive equipment and installations for sensory stimulation and occupational therapies.


  • Partnered with Swire Trust to ensure continuation of focused and intensive classes benefiting over 250 special needs children suffering from serious learning disabilities, including autism and dyslexia in four key established community centres in underprivileged large local neighbourhoods.


Support mental health of vulnerable young students to avoid self-harm and access to early treatment.

  • Sponsored Variety – Children’s Charity to fast-track psychological and cognitive assessment of 100 suspected SEN toddlers, obviating a 2 year wait in public hospitals, to receive definitive private professional diagnoses by psychiatrists to facilitate early intervention and treatment.


  • Co-sponsored with Sino Group, Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation, Lee Hysan Foundation, Kerry Group and CPF Foundation to urgently address the high incidence of student suicides in Hong Kong by upscaling the training of school social workers through the HK Social Workers Association and responding with free private psychiatric treatment for vulnerable students.



Improve training and competency of SEN therapists and caregivers with the latest technology and methodologies to benefit SEN students

  • Sponsored Heep Hong Society to provide a scientifically-evidenced early intervention therapy, UK-based Paediatric Autism Communication Therapy (PACT®), for a one year intensive training and improvement  the skills of SEN therapists by accredited master PACT® trained practitioners to benefit parents and caregivers of young autistic children.


  • Partnered with Lee Hysan Foundation to co-fund the latest AI-powered technology and training to On-site Pre-School Rehabilitation Service (OPRS) therapists of Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council and Heep Hong Society (2 of the largest NGOs in Hong Kong) benefiting 19 kindergartens and 600 SEN pre-schoolers.


Enhance training and employment opportunities for young autistic adults


  • Sponsored and enabled meaningful and long-term on-the-job training of young autistic adults to be gainfully employed by a local manufacturer of sparkling tea served in major hotels and restaurants.


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Users who link from the YCWH Trust Website to sites provided by other organizations should be aware that the information on those sites has been compiled and issued by those organizations.  The Trust accepts no responsibility for the content of any site to which a hypertext link from this site exists and shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to its use.


YCWH NO. 2 TRUST is a charitable trust registered under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance.


YCWH Trust

GPO Box 12578

Hong Kong

© photo right by YCWH Trust.

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