Shaanxi Primary, Middle & Vocational SchoolsHe Ze Zun YCWH saw the potential for providing several schools so that students would be able to see a progression from primary school through to learning a vocation. Some years later, we also started a scholastic achievement award and student assistance reward programme.
陝西沙河子鎮楊蔡慧嫻社區(Shaanxi Sa-He-Ze-Zun YCWH Social Community)建設-本會資助重建該區楊蔡慧嫻紀念小學(2007)、中學(2008)及職業學校(2010),使該地學生能持續升學,並發展成為一現代文明社區。自後,本會為鼓勵學生努力向上學習,提供獎學金及升學資助計劃(2012)。