Under the government policy of integrated education, mainstream schools are discovering that students with special needs face learning difficulties which require resources and expertise. This expertise is not only difficult to source but can be very expensive and so out of reach for many. Our sponsorship in this pilot project seeks to provide applied behaviour analysis (ABA) therapists who are able to observe and identify individual student’s educational needs in the after-school hours tutorial classes, and advise specific teaching plans to meet these needs.
After a 2-year sponsorship from YCWH, the school obtained Government funding for 2019-20 to continue supporting students with SEN through ABA therapy. The school thanked YCWH for sponsoring the pilot project which generated a sufficiently good track record to succeed in securing Government sponsorship. This adds to our mission of accepting proposals which sometimes are not able to seek funding from Government or more established institutions due to a lack of a track record.
在政府融合教育政策下,主流學校需要投放額外資源及教育心理學家等專門人材協助特殊教育需要學童應付各種學習困難。可惜此類專材由於供應不多及價錢昂貴,並不普及。故此本會透過此試點計劃,讓應用行為(ABA)治療師得以在學校課後的補習小組觀察個別學生的學習需要,並針對性地在教學方法上提供意見。於2019-20年度,學校成功獲取政府資助, 讓學校能繼續透過ABA協助特殊教育需要的學童。校方感激本會對學校過去兩年的贊助。本會樂意接受一些因未有成功案例而得不到政府或其他機構支援的計劃書。